27th Annual Conference and General Meeting of the IAP
Tbilisi, Georgia 25 - 29 September 2022

SUNDAY, 25 September 2022

Global Forum for Associations of Prosecutors

Chair: Kate Matthews, Vice President, Association of Crown Counsels, Canada BIO

  • Paulo Castro, Direction Member, Union of Magistrates of the Public Ministry (SMMP), Portugal BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Andre Glitz, President of Association of Prosecutors (CONAMP), Brazil BIO PRESENTATION
  • Padma Rao Lakkaraju, National Vice President, All India Prosecutors Association (AIPA), India BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION

MONDAY, 26 September 2022

Keynote Speech

Speaker: Bruce Swartz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Counselor for International Affairs of the U.S. Department of Justice, USA BIO PRESENTATION

Special Session: Independence of Prosecution Services

Chair / Speaker:
Max Hill, Director of Public Prosecutions, England & Wales, U.K. BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION


  • Irakli Shotadze, Prosecutor General, Georgia
  • Shamila Batohi, National Director of Public Prosecutions, South Africa BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Juan Mahiques, Attorney General, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Mikael Järetoft, CCPE Member (Sweden), CCPE Working Group Member, Council of Europe BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
Plenary 1:  COVID, Institutional Challenges & Response

  • Ali AlBuainain, Attorney General, Bahrain BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Jennifer Harrower, Deputy Head of the Local Court, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scotland BIO SYNOPSIS/ABSTRACT PRESENTATION
  • Carol Shirtliff-Hinds, Chief Federal Prosecutor, Public Prosecution Services, Canada BIO PRESENTATION
  • Naser Hashdi, Public Prosecutor, Saudi Arabia PRESENTATION
  • Mahayu Suryandari, Head of Division of Legal and International Relations, Attorney General ’s Office, Indonesia PRESENTATION
  • Kamran Aliyev, Prosecutor General, Azerbaijan BIO PRESENTATION

Workshop Session 1

A. Digital Transformation Across Criminal Justice Systems

Roel Dona, Senior Advocate-General, Public Prosecution Service, The Netherlands


  • David Antonyshyn, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Public Prosecution Service, Canada BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Wei Shyong Tai, Deputy Attorney General, Attorney General’s Chambers, Singapore BIO PRESENTATION
  • Erkin Alikhanov, Director of International Legal Cooperation Department, Prosecutor General's Office, Azerbaijan BIO PRESENTATION
  • Ilknur Altuntas, Senior Prosecutor, General Prosecution Office of the Supreme Court of Appeal, Türkiye BIO PRESENTATION

B. Public Health Responses to Crime

Chair:  Kate Matthews, Vice President, Association of Crown Counsels, Canada BIO

  • Akram Alkhatib, Attorney General, Palestine BIO PRESENTATION
  • Eneas Romero de Vasconcelos, State Prosecutor of Ceará, former Chief of Covid Task Force, Director of Prosecution Training State Institute, State Prosecution Service, Brazil SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Richard Bent, President, Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA) (online presentation) BIO PRESENTATION 
  • Reeve Jacobus, Research and Policy Associate, Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP) (online presentation)

Special Interest Group Sessions

1. Heads of Prosecution Services

Moderator: Irakli Chilingarashvili, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Relations, Office of the Prosecutor General, Georgia

Opening Remarks: Irakli Shotadze, Prosecutor General, Georgia

  • Bruce Swartz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Counselor for International Affairs of the U.S. Department of Justice, USA BIO
  • Gerrit   van   der   Burg, Chairman   of   the   Netherlands   Public Prosecution Service, the Netherlands BIO
  • Juan Mahiques, Attorney General, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina BIO SYNOPSIS
  • Catalin   Andrei   Popescu, acting   Deputy   Prosecutor   General, Romania
  • Martine Solovieff, Prosecutor General, Luxemburg
  • Jennifer Harrower, Deputy Head of the Local Court, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, Scotland BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Noordin Haji, Director of Public Prosecutions of Kenya PRESENTATION
  • Qaher Mustafa Ali, Prosecutor General, Yemen 

2. Distribution of Competences between Investigators and Prosecutors

Shenaz Muzaffer, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor and Head of the International, Crown Prosecution Service, U.K. BIO SYNOPSIS 

  • Lisa Osofsky, Director, Serious Fraud Office, U.K. PRESENTATION
  • Satyajit Boolell, Director of Public Prosecutions, Mauritius
  • Lenneke Bronkhorst, Prosecutor, Public Prosecution Service, the Netherlands  SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Antonio Segovia Arancibia, Head of the International Cooperation and Extraditions Unit, Public Prosecutor’s Office, Chile (online presentation) BIO SYNOPSYS PRESENTATION
  • Taihyung Kim, Senior Prosecutor, Prosecution Service, Korea BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Runar Torgersen, Senior Public Prosecutor, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Norway PRESENTATION

TUESDAY, 27 September 2022

Special Session Effective Responses to War Crimes

Jean-François Thony, President of the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, former Prosecutor General of the Court of Appeal of Rennes, France BIO


  • Simon Minks, National Coordinating Advocate-General specialized in counter terrorism and war crimes, the Netherlands (online presentation) BIO PRESENTATION
  • Ladislav Hamran, President of EUROJUST BIO SYOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Nazhat Shameem Khan, Deputy Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court BIO PRESENTATION

Plenary 2:  Evolution of Cyber-Crime Typologies

Chair / Speaker
: Timothy Rank, U.S. Department of Justice Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust, U.S. Cybercrime Specialist, USA BIO PRESENTATION


  • David Scharia, Director, Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), United Nations PRESENTATION
  • Gilles Charbonnier, Prosecutor General, Appeal Court of Paris, France BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Jianming Tong, First Deputy Prosecutor General, China (video presentation) BIO PRESENTATION
  • Stefan Blaettler, Attorney General, Switzerland BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION

Workshop Session 2

A) Prosecuting Crimes on the Darknet

 Monique Corten, Head of International Division, Public Prosecution Service, the Netherlands

  • Timothy Rank, U.S. Department of Justice Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust, U.S. Cybercrime Specialist, USA BIO PRESENTATION
  • Mark Carroll, Director, Criminal Justice, Optima, U.K. BIO PRESENTATION
  • Sophie Macquart -Moulin, Deputy Director of the Division of Criminal Affairs and Pardon, Ministry of Justice, France PRESENTATION

Rapporteur:  Padma Rao Lakkaraju, National Vice President, All India Prosecutor Association, India BIO

B)  IAP Partners Programme

Chair/Speaker: Jean-François Thony, President of the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights BIO PRESENTATION


  • Simon Minks, National Coordinating Advocate-General specialized in counter terrorism and war crimes, the Netherlands (online presentation on UNICRI - Prosecutor's Guide to Chemical and Biological Crimes) BIO PRESENTATION
  • Kristjan Burgess, Senior Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Section, UNESCO PRESENTATION
  • Jeanette, Manning, Director of NAGTRI, the National Association of Attorneys General, USA BIO PRESENTATION

Rapporteur:  Sabin Ouellet, former Chief Prosecutor, Canada BIO

WEDNESDAY, 28 September 2022

Plenary 3:  Challenges of E-evidence Across Borders

Chair: Givi Baghdavadze, Head of International Cooperation Unit, Office of the Prosecutor General, Georgia BIO


  • Pedro Verdelho, Vice Chair, Council of Europe Cybercrime Committee BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • David Scharia, Director, Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), United Nations PRESENTATION
  • Thomas Burrows, Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice, USA BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Andres Parmas, Prosecutor General of Estonia PRESENTATION
  • Woo Jung Shim, Chief Prosecutor, Incheon District Prosecutors' Office, Korea BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION

IAP - UNESCO Special Session on Investigation and Prosecution of Crimes against Media Workers and Freedom of Expression


  • Kristjan Burgess, Senior Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Section, UNESCO PRESENTATION
  • Sabin Ouellet, former Chief Prosecutor, Canada BIO PRESENTATION
  • Simon Clements, former Chief Crown Prosecutor, U.K. BIO PRESENTATION

Workshop Session 3
A. Challenges Obtaining Digital Evidence from Abroad (Case Studies)

Thomas Burrows, Associate Director, Office of International Affairs, U.S. Department of Justice, USA BIO

  • Frédéric Van Leeuw, Federal Prosecutor, Belgium
  • Lana Owens, U.S. Embassy Tbilisi, Resident Legal Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Daniela Dupuy, Prosecutor General, Prosecution Unit Specialized in Crimes and Informatic Misdemeanor, CABA, Argentina BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Shenaz Muzaffer, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor and Head of the International, Crown Prosecution Service, U.K. BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION

B. Freedom of Expression & Social Media

 Gerhard Jarosch, Managing Partner, Rosam. Gruenberger. Jarosch & Partner, Austria

  • Cássius Guimarães Chai, Criminal Prosecutor, Public Ministry of the State of Maranhão, Brazil BIO PRESENTATION
  • Kristjan Burgess, Senior Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Section, UNESCO PRESENTATION

THURSDAY, 29 September 2022

Plenary 4:  Money Laundering through Virtual Assets

:  Mark Carroll, Director, Criminal Justice, Optima BIO

  • Bob Seeman, managing partner of CyberCurb, former Head of Strategy Microsoft U.K., technical consultant to the European Commission, Canada BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Bakur Abuladze, First Deputy Prosecutor General, Georgia BIO PRESENTATION
  • Franz Plöchl, Prosecutor General, Austria BIO PRESENTATION
  • Nataraj Muneesamy, Principal State Counsel, Mauritius BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Adrian Foster, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Head of Proceeds of Crime Division, Crown Prosecution Service, U.K. BIO PRESENTATION

Workshop Session 4
A. Importance of Parallel Financial Investigations in Practice

: Gunilla Arph-Malmberg, Deputy Chief Prosecutor, International Coordinator, Swedish Economic Crime Authority BIO

  • Xolisile Khanyile, Chair of Egmont Group BIO PRESENTATION
  • Adrian Foster, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Head of Proceeds of Crime Division, Crown Prosecution Service, U.K., CARIN Point of Contact BIO PRESENTATION
  • Ricardo Rafael Toranzos, Federal Prosecutor, Province of Salta, Argentina BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Aleksander Mukasashvili, Deputy Head of Investigation Unit, Office of the Prosecutor General, Georgia BIO PRESENTATION
  • Katarina Mörnstad, Senior Public Prosecutor, the Swedish Economic Crime Authority BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION

B) Tracing, Seizing & Freezing virtual assets

Roel Dona, Senior Advocate-General, Public Prosecution Service, The Netherlands

  • Eun Young Choi, Director, National Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team, U.S. Department of Justice, USA BIO PRESENTATION
  • Paul Kadushi, Director of Asset Forfeiture, Transnational and Specialized Crimes Division, National Prosecutions Service, Tanzania BIO SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Annika Wennerström, Senior Public Prosecutor, Swedish Prosecution Authority SYNOPSIS PRESENTATION
  • Laura Mora, Prosecutor, Prosecutors Office Against Fraud and Cyber Crime, Costa Rica PRESENTATION

IAP Specialist Network Session 
1. IAP’s Anti-Corruption and Financial Crime Network

Facilitator: Isfandiyar Hajiyev, Deputy Head of Department, Office of the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan


  • Laura Codruta Kövesi, the European Chief Prosecutor, European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) BIO PRESENTATION
  • James Hamilton, independent adviser to the First Ministers of Scotland and Wales, former Director of Public Prosecutions of Ireland, and past IAP President BIO PRESENTATION
  • Vugar Aliyev, Director of the Department for the Coordination of Special Confiscation Issues, Office of the Prosecutor General, Azerbaijan BIO PRESENTATION
  • Nikoloz Chinkorashvili, Deputy Head of the International Relations and Legal Department, Office of the Prosecutor General, Georgia BIO PRESENTATION
  • Kairi Kaldoja, Chief Prosecutor of the Northern District Prosecutor’s Office, Estonia BIO PRESENTATION

2. IAP’s Trafficking in Persons Network
Facilitator:  Gina Cabrejo, Acting Director, NAGTRI Center for International Partnerships and Strategic Collaboration, USA BIO


  • Ralph Catedral, Specialist, Prosecution, Assessment and Consulting, Center to End Online Sexual Exploitation of Children, International Justice Mission BIO PRESENTATION
  • Katharina Thon, Programme and Capacity Building Officer, Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, OSCE PRESENTATION

3. IAP’s E-Crime Network
Facilitator:  Edith van den Broeck, Senior Legal Advisor of the IAP, Senior Prosecutor

  • Pedro Verdelho, Vice-Chair, Council of Europe Cybercrime Committee BIO PRESENTATION
  • Giorgi Jokhadze, Project Manager of CyberEast project, Council of Europe (online presentation)
  • Givi Baghdavadze, Head of International Cooperation Unit, Office of the Prosecutor General, Georgia BIO PRESENTATION
  • Timothy Rank, U.S. Department of Justice Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust, U.S. Cybercrime Specialist, USA BIO PRESENTATION