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Call for candidates for the Conflict Committee


Call for candidates for election to the Conflict Committee by the General Meeting in London, 26 September 2023 

About the Conflict Committee: Any member may bring any conflict regarding the application and interpretation of the IAP Constitution before the Conflict Committee (Articles 17.1, 17.2) who shall resolve any conflict after considering any submissions made by any of the parties concerned. In accordance with Article 17.5, the Conflict Committee shall consist of five members, of which the quorum shall be three, who shall be appointed by the General Meeting and shall serve for a term of three years. Members of the Conflict Committee shall be eligible for reappointment. Members of the Conflict Committee may not be members of the Executive Committee. 

The current Conflict Committee consists of the following five members: Thomas Burrows (USA, Senator), Carlos Donoso Castex (Argentina, Senator), Nick Cowdery (Australia, Chair of IAP Senate), Francois Falletti (France, Senator) and Wendy Stephen (Canada, Senator) who were elected by the General Meeting in 2020, and who have indicated that they will make themselves eligible for re-election. 

Any member of the IAP (except for members of the Executive Committee) is eligible for election to the Conflict Committee by the General Meeting in London. If you are interested in a seat on the Conflict Committee, please send your full name, job title, the name of your prosecuting authority (if applicable), a brief biography and a brief statement of motivation and/or statement in support of the nomination to the Secretary-General (sg@iap-association.org), no later than 26 June 2023.  

The General Meeting in London on 26 September 2023 will elect the candidates. 

  Han Moraal, Secretary-General of the IAP