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Record of Nominations for the Executive Committee under Article 8.6 of the IAP Constitution


The IAP Executive Committee is the managing and administrative body of the Association. The powers and duties of the Executive Committee members are set out in Article 8.2 of the IAP Constitution. The Executive Committee is the governing body of the Association, subject to the authority of the General Meeting which is the body of supreme authority in the Association.

Article 8.2.g of the IAP Constitution assigns the Executive Committee the power to make nominations to the General Meeting for appointment of members of the Executive Committee and for the election of the President and Vice-Presidents.

The Constitution requires that the membership of the Executive Committee shall reflect, so far as is reasonably possible, the regions of the world in which the Association has members. This year there are vacancies for several regions of the world.

During the Northern Spring Meeting in Athens, Greece, held on 22-23 March 2023, the Executive Committee approved the nomination of the following candidates for the Executive Committee to be elected at the General Meeting in London, UK, on 26 September 2023.

Candidate for Vice-President (Latin American)

  1. Manuel Pinheiro Freitas, Prosecutor General, Ceará, Brazil (1st term)

Candidates for Ordinary Membership

Africa and Indian Ocean:

  1. Rashid Ahmine, Director of Public Prosecution, Mauritius (1st term)

  2. Shamila Batohi, National Director of Public Prosecutions, South Africa (2nd term)

  3. Immaculate Angutoko, President of the Ugandan Association of Prosecutors (1st term)


  1. Stephan Blättler, Attorney General, Switzerland (1st term)

  2. Edina Soltész, Head of International Division, Office of the Prosecutor General, Hungary (2nd term)

Latin America

  1. Manoel Murrieta, President of CONAMP, Brazil (1st term)

  2. Angel Valencia, Prosecutor General, Chile (1st term)

North America and Caribbean

  1. Kate Matthews, Vice-President of the Canadian Association of Crown Counsels (2nd term)

  2. Bruce Swartz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Counselor for International Affairs, Department of Justice, USA (2nd term)

Nominations for election for Executive Committee vacancies made by the Executive Committee shall be notified to the Members of the Association by posting them on the Association’s website, or by publishing them in the Association’s newsletter, at least three months before the General Meeting at which any vacancy is to be filled.

In addition, the Constitution (Article 8.6.A) states that nominations for election to the Executive Committee may also be made by not less than five of the organisational members or by no fewer than 10 individual members coming from four or more different countries. Should the number of candidates in total exceed the number of vacancies an election shall take place during the General Meeting in London, UK, on Tuesday 26 September 2023, in accordance with Article 8.6.B.

Important notice
According to the IAP Constitution, the notification of the nominations by the Executive Committee for the positions on the Executive Committee should have been published no later than 26 June 2023. Unfortunately, the Secretariat missed that deadline, for which the Secretariat apologises to all Members. However, Article 18 of the IAP Constitution states that, where there has been non-compliance with the Constitution resulting from an oversight or inadvertence, that shall not invalidate any action taken in furtherance of the objects of the Association, provided that all necessary steps are taken as soon as the oversight or inadvertence is discovered to achieve compliance with the relevant Article of the Constitution as nearly as may then be possible.

The IAP Secretariat hereby give notice to all Members of the nominations by the Executive Committee for election to the Executive Committee as detailed above.   

For more information about the criteria for application and the requirements of office - contact the IAP Executive Director at ed@iap-association.