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Observer status – Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units


The IAP is delighted to announce that we have been granted observer status with the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs).  Our application for observer status was recommended by the Egmont Committee and endorsed by the Heads of FIUs last month.

The Egmont Group is a united body of 170 Financial Intelligence Units.  FIUs are uniquely positioned to support national and international efforts to counter-terrorist financing.  FIUs are also trusted gateways for sharing financial information domestically and internationally per global anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) standards.  The Egmont Group provides FIUs with a platform to securely exchange expertise and financial intelligence to combat money laundering, terrorist financing (ML/TF), and associated predicate offences.  The Egmont Group recognises that international cooperation is imperative in the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, and associated predicate crimes, and so they are seeking to expand cooperation and collaboration with partner organisations, like the IAP.  By obtaining observer status, the IAP joins a large number of other international organisations, including CARIN, Europol, FATF, Interpol, UNODC and the World Bank as observers.

More information on the Egmont Group can be found at About - Egmont Group

The Secretariat is already exploring collaboration opportunities with the Egmont Group and the ECOFEL (Egmont Centre of FIU Excellence and Leadership, which is the training and capacity-building arm of the Egmont Group).  We are committed to building and developing constructive partnerships with key international organisations to improve formal and informal international cooperation and to encourage more effective and efficient working and engagement between law enforcement agencies and prosecutors – and so we trust that this collaboration with the Egmont Group will be to the benefit of both of our associations.