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6th North American and Caribbean Virtual Regional Conference

Date: Tuesday 5 October 2021 - Tuesday 26 October 2021

Location: This Regional Conference will take place across three webinar sessions using the virtual meeting platform Zoom

About the Conference

The International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) is delighted to bring the 6th North American & Caribbean Regional Conference to you in October 2021. Join us for this dynamic and engaging virtual event, which will be conducted through three separate webinars, and which will be hosted in close collaboration with the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) of the United States.

  • Period: 5 - 26 October 2021
  • Fee: free event
  • Languages: the sessions will be hosted in English. French and Spanish translation will be provided.


The main theme of the conference is Reimagining the Justice System Post-COVID.
The conference will especially focus on three sub-themes, which will be presented and discussed by expert speakers in three individual webinar sessions:

Session 1 - Alternatives to Prosecution: Different Approaches for Differing Community Needs

October 5, 2021 (2:00 p.m. Eastern Time) - Organised in collaboration with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada - Service des poursuites pénales du Canada and the United States Department of Justice. 
This international panel of prosecutors will explore a variety of innovative approaches to alternative justice processes/initiatives. Panellists will describe work being done in their jurisdictions to address specific community needs, root causes of crime, and to reduce unnecessary justice system involvement. More specifically, topics include initiatives which address mental health, substance use, housing insecurity, youth, Indigenous populations, and racism/equity issues. Short presentations will be followed by questions from the participants.

Register for session 1

Session 2 - Systemic Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System

October 12, 2021 (2:00 p.m. Eastern Time)
This interactive panel, made up of participants from different areas within the criminal justice system, will provide their perspectives in respect of discrimination and its impacts on accused persons and victims; the panel will explore the role of prosecutors in addressing systemic discrimination.

Register for session 2

Session 3 - Considerations for International Government Prosecuting Offices

October 26, 2021 (2:00 p.m. Eastern Time)
This interactive panel will address practical considerations for government prosecutors’ offices when bringing employees back to the workplace following COVID-19 related closures. International panelists from the legal, mental health, and public health communities also will discuss the mental health issues surrounding a return to the workplace, including the pandemic’s effect on the mental health of the legal community, and will provide an overview of the current global COVID-19 environment and potential future scenarios. The panel will be moderated by Vermont Attorney General TJ Donovan from the U. S. State of Vermont.

Register for session 3

Who can register?

Participation is open to all IAP members, as well as to invited prosecutors, prosecuting authorities and associations in the Americas and Caribbean.