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9th Regional Conference - 2009
Date: Wednesday 11 March 2009
Location: The Hague, the Netherlands
The Hague, the Netherlands 11 - 13 March 2009, 9th Regional Conference:
“Following the Money”
Attendance: 60 participants from 19countries.
The 9th IAP European Regional Conference will take place in The Hague from 11-13 March 2009. This year’s topic will be “Following the Money” and will focus upon the cross jurisdictional aspects of asset tracing and recovery, including an examination of the overlap between criminal and non criminal legal concepts and remedies
As part of the programme we shall again visit Eurojust in order to give participants an insight into how this regional organisation effects cross border co-operation and decision-making, particularly in the context of financial tracing and recovery. We may also arrange a visit to the International War Crimes Tribunal for formerYugoslavia following the conference.
As ever this will be an excellent opportunity for front line prosecutors whether or not they have experience in this field, to expand their understanding and horizons beyond their own jurisdiction and make contact with colleagues from other countries.
- Letter of invitation
- Draft working programme
- Registration form
Conference Documentation/Conclusion
Opening speech by Mr. Han Moraal, Prosecutor General, The Netherlands
Speech by Mr. Stephen Almaseanu, Magistrate, Ministère de la Justice, France
Speech by Mr. Keith E. Oliver, Senior Partner, Peters & Peters, London
Speech by Mr. Mark Vlasic, Head of operations, StAR secretariat
Speech by Mr. Alan Bacarese, Head of Legal Case Consultancy, International Centre for Asset Recovery in Basel, Switzerland
Speech by Mr. Gary Balch, Head of Division, CPS, Central Confiscation Unit
Speech by Mr. H. J. Hessel Schuth, Director, Criminal Assets Deprivation Bureau, The Netherlands
Speech by Ms. Cindy Clarke, Crown Counsel and Ms. Larissa Burgess, Crown Counsel, Department of Public Prosecutions, Bermuda
Speech by Ms. Maria Schnebli, Federal Prosecutor, Office of the Attorney General, Switzerland
Case Studies:
Recommendations for good practice;
Group 1, by Eunice Shang-Simpson
Group 2, by Sheila Robertson
Group 3, by Swindell