IAP Awards 2018 - Johannesburg, South Africa
Medal of Honour
The IAP Medal of Honour is the highest decoration awarded by the Association. It is awarded to a prosecutor who has exemplified, in the domestic or international context, the key attributes of the prosecutor and more particularly, the qualities of integrity, fairness and professional ethics set out in the IAP Standards and which are expected from a holder of this important office.
It may also be awarded to a person who has made a significant contribution to the promotion of the IAP Standards and to the role of the prosecutor in the pursuit of justice under the rule of law in the domestic or international context.
In 2018 the Medal of Honour has been presented to the following person:
Mr. Benjamin B. Ferencz, for an outstanding and unique career started as a prosecutor with his involvement in the Nuremberg Trial - the "biggest murder trial in history", as it was called, at the age of just 27, and his impressive career has continued throughout his life. Mr. Ferencz has become a fundamental voice of international law, of human rights and of peace (full citation).
Special Achievement Award
The Special Achievement Award is given to a prosecutor, whether a member of the IAP or not, who has demonstrated special dedication in the pursuit of his/her professional responsibilities, or who has discharged his/her professional responsibilities in the face of special hardship or adversity or under other circumstances which derserve special recognition.
In 2018 the IAP Special Achievement Award was presented to:
Car Wash Task Force (Oleracea Lava Jato) from Brazil. This special recognition is deserved by a group of 47 Brazilian prosecutors from the so-called Carwash Task Force strengthened the Brazilian Rule of Law. Through their dedication and hard work, they became an international example for anti-corruption fights all over the world. Recovering the hope that justice will be done and that the rule of law must be respected by everyone (full citation).
Prosecutor of the Year Award
The aim of the the IAP Prosecutor of the Year Award is to give a special recognition and encouragement to front-line prosecutors, who have demonstrated an outstanding performance in their work, domestically or internationally.
In 2018 the IAP Prosecutor of the Year Award was presented to:
Mr. Nicholas K. Mutuku in recognition of his accomplishments in his fight against corruption and severe crime in Kenya and being put in the spotlights as an example for the younger generation of prosecutors, not only in Kenya, also far beyond its borders (full citation).
Certificates of Merit
The IAP Certificate of Merit is awarded as an expression of the Association's gratitude to members of the IAP (individual or organisational) for their pursuit of the Objects of the Association. Certificates of Merit can also be awarded to non IAP members as an expression of the Association's gratitude for supporting the Association.
The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China. For hosting the 22nd Annual Conference and General Meeting in September 2017 in Beijing.
The Chinese Taipei Prosecutors Association for their tremendous work of translating the IAP website in Chinese. Almost all done in their free private time.
The Prosecutor General’s Office in Azerbaijan for hosting the 45th Executive Committee Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan in April 2018.
And leaving Executive Committee Members:
Vice-President and former member, Mr. Alexander Zvaginsev, from the Russian Federation;
Vice-President and former member, Dr. Ali Albuainain, from the Kingdom of Bahrain;
Vice-President and former member, Ms. Zejun HU, from China,
Member, Mr. Tom Burrows, from the United States;
Member, Mr. Pongniwat Yuttapanboriparn, from Thailand, and
Member, Mr. Sabin Ouellet, from Canada, who stepped down as president of the AIPPF, and therefore also as member of the Executive Committee
This special recognition is deserved by a group of 47 Brazilian prosecutors from the so-called Carwash Task Force, here today represented by prosecutors:
Pedro Jorge do Nascimento Costa;
Maria Clara Barros Noleta
Marisa Varotto Ferrari;
Fabiana Keylla Schneider