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In Memoriam, Mr. José Manuel Maza, Attorney General of Spain


José Manuel Maza, Attorney General of Spain, died unexpectedly on Saturday 18 November 2017, while attending a meeting of the Ibero-American Association of Public Ministries (AIAMP) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Mr. Maza is leaving behind an impressive judicial career as a lawyer, judge, criminologist and writer. In 1978 he first started working as an attorney of law, later he became a magistrate where he has worked at the Regional as well as the Supreme Court of Spain. In addition to his daily work as a magistrate he wrote the “Handbook of Legal and Forensic Psychiatry", "Circumstances that exclude or modify Criminal Responsibility and “Criminal Penalty Practices". There are also other known publications of him related to the link between Criminal Law and medicine. In November 2016 Mr. Maza was appointed Attorney General of Spain.

The Office of the Attorney General of Spain is an Organizational Member of the IAP and we offer our most sincere condolences and sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues in these times of sadness.